In case you don't know, or you are starting with javascript, there is a method in the Function prototype called bind that, once you start, you will never stop using it. This method was added in ES5 (so if you are developing for IE < 9, I recommend to have a look at the underscore polyfill) and let the developer define what the object this will be inside the function. Here it is an example:
var f = function(){ console.log(this.toString()); } var bound = f.bind('bind'); bound(); // bind
On the other hand, there are two old javascript friends, call & apply Function methods, which execute the function and also can customize the context of execution, allowing to define the this object when it is given as their first argument:
var f = function(){ console.log(this.toString()); } f.apply('apply', []); // apply'call'); // call
So far so good, but there is a situation where the behaviour of these functions is not that clear. What would happen if the call or apply methods are used on a already bound function? Let's find out...
var f = function(){ console.log(this.toString()); } var a = 'apply', b = 'bind', c = 'call' ; var bound = f.bind(b); bound(); // bind f.apply(a, []); // apply; // call bound.apply(a, []); // bind; // bind
Want to try it? here you have the bind vs call & apply jsfiddle.
Yes, bind has won! I would have bet for call & apply because they are executed after bind, but it seems like a bound function is always executed with the given this parameter. From now on, I will be careful when using call & apply, they don't always use the this object passed as argument.