
Building the First Transparent Pyramidal NFT

One of the most interesting feature of blockchain projects is that we don't need to trust anyone anymore. There are no intermediaries between us and the blockchain. When we need to transfer blockchain money or use any DeFi service, it's us…

What is component-driven development and why to use it

Out of curiosity, I have visited the websites of the most popular UI frameworks today to create web apps (Vue, React & Angular) and they were there: Starring... Components. They are already extended among libraries as an important part of modern…

Testing with React Testing Library using component instances

In the last year, I followed the trend in the industry, and I changed the way I test my React components from using Enzyme to embrace Testing Library. The change has been for good! Now my tests are now more concise, clear and meaningful. They are…

Web animation API: Relative styling by adding animations

I keep working on creating a driver for the web version of Animated, that runs the animations in the GPU. Using all the methods I described in that article I could move some of the animations to the GPU, but there was a common issue to all the…

The state of React Native for Web

React Native for Web is one of the most amazing ideas I’ve stumbled upon in a while. For UI developers, it makes a longtime dream a reality: the ability to create an application that runs on both phones and browsers with just one codebase. The path…

React Interactable: Mobile Gestures for the Web

Let’s talk about user interactions with the UI, specifically about mobile ones: Dragging, swapping, pinching gestures are natural in mobile apps nowadays. It’s not trivial to handle them well, but they really make UIs outstand when done right.

React, Preact and Inferno quick comparison

I have created projects using React and Preact successfully and, after having a look at Inferno, I really wanted to give it a try. Its source code is really easy to read and understand, and even if it’s not as lightweight as Preact, Inferno is still…

Files with .mjs extension for JavaScript modules

They are coming! You can see them in the Node.js documentation and also in the new brand Webpack 4. But… what did you said are those .mjs files for? .mjs an extension for EcmaScript modules Modules are the way we have in JavaScript to split our code…

Creating a client-side encryption system

Nowadays there are lots of cool online services that allow you to express yourself or create almost anything that may come to your mind. Many of them are apparently free, the only thing you need to give away for using them is your personal…

PassPill, the app architecture

We are going to build a password manager called PassPill. The starting point is going to be a web app, you can try PassPill right now if you run your own server.

What’s the PassPill Project?

PassPill Project is an educational experiment that aims to share the complete development of a web app. We are going to build a secure password manager called PassPill. And from that development we will be extracting a nice collection of articles…

The loneliness and joy of programming

Here I go! This is a story about a new project, but also it’s a story about me! I thought I’d never write about myself, but I think it’s necessary to understand the reasons of the PassPill Project.

Non functional React.js

I am not an object oriented programming fanatic, but in the latest years I have been feeling that OO is being left aside without thinking twice, just because being functional is all the rage, and I think being object oriented is one key for React’s…

Using redux devtools without redux

Redux is probably the most popular library to manage the state of React.js applications at the moment. Wasn't that what Flux is about? That's it, redux is an alternative Flux library. It's creator, Dan Abramov, put a lot of effort in make redux a…

React.js the simple way

This article was originally published at Medium, 21st of september 2015 and explains how to create Flux applications almost without boilerplate code, and start enjoying React. Once you get used to how components work, you begin to feel the need of…

React.js the simple way

Reduce boilerplate code and enjoy React. Everybody starting with React realizes quickly about how easy it’s to create components and build a UI that can be used in production. Using freezer.js we can enjoy simplicity also in state management

7 tips to publish your React components

I have started to publish some React components I have created for my projects. The first one in get published was a simple way of display json data, react-json-table, and recently I decided to make react-datetime available for everybody, a date time…

Define the data to fetch in a declarative way with React

Fetching data in Flux applications has always been a controversial point. Should it be handled inside the stores? Should we have asynchronous actions to get it? In the last React conference we knew how Facebook fetches the data in their react…

A JSON editor with React and Immutable data

There is a big hype about immutable data and React.js after the first react conference hold in SF, but it is not easy to find examples on how to use them together to get a great development experience. Today we are going to build a JSON editor using…

A better Flux with DOM events

I have been discussing a lot lately with smart guys about what is the best way of organizing your application using React.js and I would like to share what I have learnt. Facebook released react two years ago saying "Hey guys, here you have the V for…

Javascript properties are enumerable, writable and configurable

Objects are one of the main parts of Javascript. JS syntax for Objects is really concise and easy to use, so we are constantly creating objects and using them as hashmaps effortlessly. But, do you know that all the object properties in the example…

A compact stylesheet for Atom editor

If you find that Atom's default colors are ok, but you feel like the tabs are too big and the folder trees are wasting too much space, maybe you and I have some kind of thinking connection... :) Fortunatelly, customizing atom is as easy as create a…

Learning much javascript from one line of code

Since javascript is everywhere nowadays, it is really easy to learn new stuff everyday. Once you know the basics of the language, you can take bits of code from here and there that have a lot of knowledge in them. Bookmarklets are perfect examples of…

4 balls 10 spinners: CSS3 Animations

Loading spinners are lots of fun. Their main purpose is to let users know that the app is loading, but it has a secondary one that make them very special: they should amuse the users while they are waiting. If they are good, they even make the…

Permanent events in javascript

Events are old friends when we talk about javascript, and I think that I am not wrong if I say that you are not good at client javascript if you don't master how DOM events work. They are really helpful to handle the asynchronous nature of a web…

Reusing require.js modules in Node.js

Using the same code in the browser and in the server is something that every developer dream of. The solution of that problem is known as the Holy Grail of javascript and there are different approaches to trying to get it. Probably we will be much…

Slow motion youtube videos

I have been playing guitar for long time now, and there has been something that I always wanted: make guitar videos on youtube go slower to see clearly how some piece is played. Now that most of the video sites use html5 video tags to render their…

Javascript function context: bind vs call & apply

In case you don't know, or you are starting with javascript, there is a method in the Function prototype called bind that, once you start, you will never stop using it. This method was added in ES5 (so if you are developing for IE < 9, I recommend to…

Updating your WordPress plugins for the new MP6 admin

WordPress 3.8 has arrived and it brings with it a new admin interface. Its name is MP6 and it follows the design trends: simple, clear and flat. This is good news for everybody, but for plugin developers implies updating their plugins' styles to…

Removing Youtube embed title in WordPress automatically

It's easy to find how to remove the initial title and controls in your youtube embeds. You just need to append to the youtube url. WordPress has a nice feature that embeds video links automatically, so you don't need to handle messed html code, but…

Tip: Portable workspace

Having xampp lite and sublime text (portable install) in your dropbox folder makes you have your PHP development enviroment up to date in every computer you want.

CSS3 Non rectangular backgrounds

Bored of rectangular backgrounds? You are right, squared divs are boring but you don't like rounded corners anymore and need something special like this? This nice effect is obtained using the new CSS 3D transform, so no every browser will render…

Restoring } key in sublime text for spanish keyboards

If you use a spanish keyboard and the outstanding editor sublime text 2, you will find press the } key really annoying, because you will get a block comment code instead the } character which it is used "sometimes" when programming. To fix that just…

Tip: Lightweight and cool PHP IDE

If you don't want to wait 5 minutes every time you launch your ide, give Sublime Text 2 a try. Code completion, debug, control version... everything is possible and faster.

Getting https pages through a proxy using PHP and Requests

Today I was searching the internet looking for a HTTP client that supports authentication and https connections because I couldn't use the function with htpps addresses. I found some interesting and modern projects like Httpful and Guzzle, but they…

+You Google Bar: Firefox soon

The chrome extension +You Gbar is becoming famous quickly, and in one week more than 5k people have downloaded it. In case you don't know about it, the extension lets you personalize the order of the Google Black Bar which you can find in every…

+You Google Bar: Customize it!

There is something about Google that has always annoyed me, the links in the black upper bar. That bar couldbe really useful, I remember when I had a link to Google Reader in it, what a beautiful time!! But some day Google decided that there are more…

Custom Sidebars 1.0

Update - Check out the all new Custom Sidebar Pro for all your widget, sidebar and footer needs. Finally a mayor release, Custom Sidebars 1.0 is out! It has a lot of improvements, specially AJAX management. But AJAX relies on javascript, and becouse…

Get your captcha personalized

This is my last dumb project which allows to trolling everybody, everywhere, writing whatever you want to say in a captcha: This is a new resource for designers that want to play with captchas, or for people who want to send a special message to…

Front page on Carrington theme

I have decided to improve my skills creating WordPress themes, and the only thing I was sure is that I would need a theme framework in order to be organized and have a solid structure. After having a look at the main frameworks, the chosen one was…

Custom Sidebars Updated: Version 0.8.1

Update - Check out the all new Custom Sidebar Pro for all your widget, sidebar and footer needs. Since yesterday we have a new stable version of our beloved WordPress, version 3.2 nicknamed Gershwin after a great jazz musician. It comes with a lot of…

Tip: New Eclipse Indigo

My favourite IDE has a new version and Git native support is in its features. Why don't try Eclipse Indigo?

Easy pagination with Opencms

There is a famous rule out there called DRY (Don't repeat yourself), and if there is one thing I have to code once and again in Opencms is Structured Content lists and their pagination.I will postpone the DRY way explanation of making structured…

Custom Sidebars Plugin v0.8

Update - Check out the all new Custom Sidebar Pro for all your widget, sidebar and footer needs. There have been a lot of people contacting me about the Custom Sidebars plugin, it has reached +20000 downloads already. Some of them have told me about…

@font-face and Opencms

I've started to develop a new site in Opencms and this time I have free way to design it however I want, so I wanted to do something good looking. The use of the CSS rule @font-face is not difficult, specially using the @font-face generator from…

Overflow hidden: Chrome against the rest of browsers

This is a problem that I have to deal with everyday at my job. We have some templates "ready" to display a 3 columns fluid layout and they were perfect until Google Chrome arrived, which displays the layout in a different way. The idea is easy, we…

Adding a select box to Wordpress tinyMCE editor

The process of adding a button to the wordpress editor is straight enough if you follow the instructions that there is in the Wordpress Codex and in the the tinyMCE editor documentation. The first one explain how to hook into Wordpress to define the…

Openmcs cms:info tag explained

<cms:info> is one of the most useful tags of the OpenCms taglib, but when I have a look at other's code I can see that people prefer other ways to get the same results that this tag offers just writing one line.I think that happens because a lack of…

Opencms useful paths and urls

This is the first post in my new brand site about technology and I hope you can enjoy it or at least you get something useful. As a person who likes programming and technology, I like to read and write about the newest stuff, but nowadays I am…

Tip: Try Firefox 5

Firefox is releasing versions really fast and there are new features in every one: because it is fast and has nice plugins, Get FF5

Tip: Eclipse for PHP

It is really nice to use the Eclipse IDE for develop PHP apps. It features debugging, autocompletion, repositories handling... A professional way of developing PHP.

Tip: Widget Entries

The best way of handling dozens of HTML widgets is using the Widget Entry Plugin.

Tip: Custom Sidebars

Do you know how can I have a different sidebar for each page?
© arqex 2023
we'll find ourselves
far, far away...
Transitions here have been created using a library of mine:
React interactable.
This awesome hyperspace effect thanks to this codepen from Noah Blon.
Software development can be fun!
Javier Márquez
Software developer